Sunday, June 14, 2009

Artiste at Work

Come with me behind the scenes,
won't you?

Equipment? Check.

And roll tape... now!

Hey, mom. What do we have,
monkey pox? Scooth on over.

My bad.

I'm just messin' wicha.

Wanna see my Pacino impression?

"I should take a flamethrower
to this place". Good, huh?

Keep it together, people

Good. Print it!

Dad's here? 'Bout time.
What the...?

Finally, some talent to work with.

How's the food for the cast party
coming along?

It's a wrap. Now, just lie back and
enjoy those royalties.

Hope you have a great birthday,
Aunt Nicole.
Love, Talia Pearl

1 comment:

Aynt Nikki said...

Thank you, thank you! I enjoyed reading your message I think as much as you enjoyed creating it. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks.