Saturday, August 29, 2009

More Birthday Fun

Take a deep breath, we have lots to cover.

First, we have more pix of the birthday
party, thanks to Aunt Stephanie.

Here's Talia giving Dad a candle-blowing lesson on
one of her three birthday cakes. (We like cake.)

Did we mention it was a pool party?

After a rigorous screening procedure, Papi allows
Carson to give Talia a birthday kiss.

Mamie gets some face time with the birthday girl.

If done right, parties are exhausting.

But, on her actual birthday, Talia is rested and ready
for an early birthday smooch from Mom.

Then Mom and Dad took her (along with Mamie
and Papi) to lunch at an Indian restaurant.
An aperitif is a must.

Chickpeas are delish. "Can I borrow your
napkin, Mom?"

Then time to open and play with what has become one of
her favorite toys, thanks to Cousin Natalie, Aunt Nicole
and Uncle Pierre...

... who also serenaded Talia with a live video version
of Happy Birthday.

And there was more fun, like walking barefoot
in the public library, opening lots of presents, and
even more cake. But the photographer couldn't
keep up.

Growing up can be fun.

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Let's go

August 26, 2008

August 26, 2009

Happy birthday, Talia Pearl

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First Birthday Party

On Saturday, Mom and Dad hosted a fabulous
(and delicious) party for Talia's first birthday.

Here's Mom whipping up an eye-catching
ratatouille recipe from Uncle Pierre.

Guests were treated to another of
Mom's creative specialties.

Talia wore the party dress
she'd been saving since Auntie Jackie
brought it to her last month. It was
a real hit.

Cousins Sebastian and Anjelica
came from Napa to celebrate.

And Cousin Alex flew in from L.A.
June, Julie (on the left), Laura
(right) added to the festivities, too.

Julie, Mike and Darcy enjoy a perfect

Sabri, Tim and Toni came for
Talia's big day.

Carson, who thought the balloons were
a hoot and a half, brought Talia
her first baby doll.

Dad and Aunts Stephanie and Margaret
discuss candle-blowing strategy with
Talia while Bob keeps an eye on
the cake.

Talia has some quality time with
Cousins Sebastian and Anjelica and
Aunt Margaret.

Talia's family in Luxembourg sent
a beautiful birthday bouquet.

The festivities continued on
Sunday and Monday, including
swimming and trips to see tigers,
and even sharks, with Aunt Stephanie,
cousin Anjelica, Aunt Margaret, cousin
Alex, Dad, Mom and cousin Sebastian.

And the first-year celebration
doesn't stop there. Stay tuned...

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Mom's Birthday!

A special message from Talia:
Well, Mom, I won't turn 1 until next week (Yippee!), but
I already have a role model. I wanna be

a champion tennis player,
a snappy dresser,

a good ball handler,

a swimsuit model,

a nature lover,

a good student,

and an early walker (got that one covered already).

Also I wanna have grace

and a great smile (and hair)

Pretty ambitious, I know, but I'll get there.

Meanwhile, have a great birthday, Mom!

Love you,
Talia Pearl

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Guess What, Aunt Connie?

A special message from Talia:

Happy Birthday, Aunt Connie! Hope
you had a terrific celebration. I had a great
time meeting you and your whole family
at Yosemite.

Here's a little surprise for you (and everyone),
just in time for your birthday.

You can see the video here:

Many happy returns, Auntie!

Talia Pearl