Thursday, October 30, 2008

Lots of Visits

Talia loves to get visitors. The more holding
and cuddling the better. And most come by more than
once. We've been a bit negligent in showing
them off. So here's some catch up.









Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Two Months

A lot has happened in the last month; financial meltdowns, election debates, a new TV season. Talia takes it all in stride; getting stronger, learning to hold eye contact, outgrowing her clothes. And we can now add smiling and seated dancing (see the video clip below) to her favorite activities.

Here she is in some of her latest fashions.

Dancing Queen

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

This Just In

Talia's picture appeared in two local newspapers recently. And the publicity is already paying off. Sandra, a colleague of Dave's, saw the picture and brought it to a teleconference. So Talia became a bi-coastal star. Can a movie deal be far behind?

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Gramma and Grampa Visit

Gramma Pattee and Grampa David came all the
way across country to meet Talia for
the first time. Aunt Anne and Uncle Peyton,
also from the east coast, came to visit, too.

Two grandparents at a time. Feelin' good.

One-on-one is good, too.

Gramma and grampa brought a whole new

Aunt Anne takes a turn.

Uncle Peyton, Dad, Mom, and Aunt Anne.

"See you all again soon!"

Tennis, anyone?

As most of you know, tennis is a big part of Mom's and
Dad's lives. (Used to be even more so a year ago.)
So it stands to reason that even six-weeks old is not too
young for Talia to get an introduction..

This is Mom's first time on the court since she knew
she was going to be a mom.

That's a small diap....uh... tennis bag.

Dad shows Talia her first racquet. She seems
unimpressed. Maybe she prefers graphite.

We don't know what Talia is biting here, but
what's up with Dad's hair?

Practising her game face.

Clearly, that line call was bogus. And Talia lets
everyone know.

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Talia speaks

No, really. See, since Talia was born, she's only made noises when she's hungry or tired, usually at the top of her lungs. But this week, she discovered that she enjoys kicking back in her vibrating, music chair. And that's when she likes to talk. Sounds that aren't urgent, that aren't about needing something. Not words that we can understand (yet), but that come in response when you talk to her. Then, when she's hungry again...