Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Happy Bastille Day




Joyeuse Fete Nat!
Talia Pearl

Friday, July 9, 2010


What do YOU do when the heat goes
into the triple digits (like it has each day
for the last week)?

See one of Talia's strategies here.
"Be cool, y'all"
Talia Pearl

Saturday, July 3, 2010

The days are just packed

A message from Talia:
Mamie and Papi recently visited my family
in Michigan. I couldn't make the trip (Bummer!)
but I heard lots of stories. Charles, my new cousin, will be
two months soon.

He's a BIG guy. And pretty mellow, at least
compared to cousin Natalie, who is a real
spark plug.

Constant activities, including trips to
Flip City gym, Goldfish swimming,
Jungle Java (like a 3D maze), and uncountable
parks and playgrounds.

See for yourself here.

So, I really want to visit. But first, I need
to make progress on the green vehicle I'm developing.
See for yourself here.