Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gramama Pattee and Grampapa David Arrive

Gramama Pattee and Grampapa David arrived
yesterday for a week-long visit. What excitement!

Gramama and Talia get re-acquainted.

A little advice from Grampapa. Talia is all ears.

And clearly approves.

Talia had requested a snack. And Gramama
is more than willing to comply.

Three generations.

Just the girls.

And, of course, grandparents come bearing gifts.
Here's a sweater hand-made by Gramama. Check
out the duck buttons on the bottom.

An entire matching outfit on one hanger. How chic.

And this hat is part of a tennis outfit which you're
sure to see in a future posting.

And there was more, so stay tuned. For now,
we leave you with Talia enjoying her gifts in her
own inimitable way.

Monday, March 23, 2009

Something's missing

A message from Talia:
Hi, folks. In the last post we told you
that Dad and Uncle Pierre were having
a birthday. Well, Uncle Pierre celebrated
over the weekend. To see the
festivities, click here.
Dad had a party yesterday at our house.
It was loads of fun. Come see for yourself.

Lots of Dad's golfing and tennis
buddies were there. On the left
is Tim, then Ed and daughter
Enya Su, Sabri, then me, talking
with Toni.

Ed, Enya Su and I get to know
each other better.

Then Enya Su's brother Eren joined
us. He wasn't really cold, he just
loves that sweatshirt.

It was great. I saw some old friends
and made some new ones.
Where was the birthday boy, you ask? Our
photographer has promised to be
more thorough next time.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

What are the Chances?

This is Vegas, so I guess we should be able to
figure the odds that Talia's Dad and Uncle
Pierre would share a birthday, March 21.

No matter. Unfortunately, the celebrations
will take place 2,000 miles apart.

But I've strayed from the real purpose
of this blog.

A special message from Talia:

"Happy birthday Dad and Uncle Pierre! Here's
my best smile for you!"

Friday, March 20, 2009

Last Day of Winter

Just kidding.
In fact, it got into the eighties yesterday. So
Talia got all dresssed up, complete with panda
shoes and a matching teddy bear (sure to
start a trend).

Then she went on a family picnic. Dad arrived
first, so Talia got some one-on-one with him.

Then Mom arrived...

...wearing an intriguing necklace.

Very intriguing.

Mamie was there too, so we had a photo-op
for the 3-generation shot.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Hi everyone. Looks like this is a special day for
lots of folks. All that green. So I just wanted to
take this chance to wish everybody a great...

Whoa, what's this?

It's Mami's chain! I've been after this for months.
Always just out of my reach. And now...

Oh, wait. I was in the middle of something.

Come on, come on, what was it...

Oh, yeah. Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Spring Fashions

That's right. The equinox hasn't arrived
but the weather is improving and Talia is
dressing for it. See for yourself.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Don't try this at home

Talia has always been flexible. Now, she's just
showing off as she zeros in on Talia toes.

Ambidextrous, perhaps

She all right! (Anjelica - recognize the artwork
on the mirror in the background?)

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sumo girl

Talia has not yet started her spring slim down. Maybe
because she has no swimsuit to fit into. Anyway, not
to worry, we have it on good authority (including
pediatricians, random fans in the grocery stores, and
even a paleontologist) that her weight is just perfect.

It's all muscle, you know.


Monday, March 2, 2009


Talia is now sitting up (pretty much) on her own
and has (pretty good) control of her hands. So
she's ready to try some new-fangled devices.

A high-chair (complete with music and lights)
makes a good place to eat, or, as shown here,
to apply a little oatmeal-based make-up:

As an exercise maven, the bouncer (complete
with music and lights) is now an essential
part of Talia's workout (thanks Barbara):

When nothing else is around, a low-tech wrist watch
makes a good target of opportunity:

But maybe the best contraption of all is
Gramma's lap: