Wednesday, April 27, 2011

When I get bigger...

What a guy

The Easter Bunny, that is. Even after celebrating
with him a few times, he still comes over Easter
morning to hide lots of goodies.

One thing, though. Seems like he doesn't
show up in church later that day. No matter
how often you ask about him.

Maybe he didn't get a beautiful Easter
outfit from his Grandmama and Grandpapa like
I did.

Hope everyone enjoyed Easter.
(Talia has a little candy left over if
you missed out.)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Spring Fling

Ideal weather and lots of fun at the
traditional Spring Fling.

Dancing, eating and hobnobbing with the
Easter A-list.

Happy Easter, everyone!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


This post is "by popular demand".

Actually, Papa asked for it. And he's popular around here.