Monday, December 15, 2008

Thanksgiving: The Getty Museum

The day after Thanksgiving, Talia and
the family visited the new Getty Museum.
Nice choice for her first museum. So she
had to wear one of her favorite outfits:

Mom gives Talia an overview of the lovely gardens.
Sometimes, the best way to experience beauty is
to just relax and close your eyes:

Family photo (minus Uncle Steve and Dad). Looks like
relaxing is a good way to approach these portrait poses, too:

All the cousins. (Does Anjelica have the best
looking headgear around or what?) Looks
like the sun is making Talia squint a bit:

Ah, there are Uncle Steve and Dad, with all the cousins:

This time, Dad gets to show off his daughter
in the garden:

All kinds of interesting things here:

Wide awake and keeping an eye on Dad:

Our photographers on this Thanksgiving assignment
(thanks to all) brought back lots of great photos; so many that we
couldn't fit them all in the blog. [Editor's note: Readers will
recognize this as a transparent excuse from a writer who
is too lazy to create captions and is woefully late
in getting this post finished.] [Writer's note: D'oh!]
So for those who just can't get enough (and who can?),
just click here.

Friday, December 12, 2008

Happy Birthday, Natalie

Today is cousin Natalie's first birthday. Such a
year she's had! Check out her blog (the link 'Chez Andriani'
in the column just to the right). What a globetrotter.
Talia made a video shout-out for Natalie to wish her
the best of birthdays. Check it out below:

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving: Meeting the family

Talia had lots of admirers and TLC during her
Thanksgiving stay in LA. That's her idea of a
good time.

Dad gets ready to show off his daughter:

Aunt Stephanie was hostess for the dinner
so she was first in the receiving line:

Looks like a pretty serious discussion between
Uncle Rolf and Dad. Wonder what Talia
is learning:

Talia gets some cuddle time with Aunt Margaret
while Anjelica and Sebastian give her a stuffed
dog. That's Talia's idea of a great gift;

Cousin Max makes sure Talia is nicely tucked
into her stroller.

Uncle (aka 'Le Chef') Steve takes time out
from kitchen duty to have a conversation
with Talia. Can we get that pacifier
dipped in one of your creations, Uncle Steve?

Talia displaced cousin Sebastian as the
youngest in the clan, but he doesn't
seem to mind. And this photo makes
it look like she may already out-weigh
him. Has the feeling returned to those
legs yet, Sebastian?

Cousin Anjelica has discovered the best
way to show off Talia's ballerina shoes.
Talia looks comfortable enough to

And cousin Alex finally gets his turn to hold his
newest cousin. Everyone, including Talia, knows
where that camera is.

Thanksgiving: The meal

Talia spent her first Thanksgiving in Los Angeles and met
lots of her family for the first time.

Talia makes pretty for the big trip:

Lots of chefs were there to prepare the meal.
From right to left, cousins Sebastian, Alex, Anjelica,
and uber-chef, Uncle Steve.

Down to work:
(on the set of "Sweeny Todd"?)

Break in the action:

Finally, the chefs prepare to enjoy the fruits of
their labor:

Another beautiful table:

Uncle Rolf carves the main course:

A sunset stroll along the beach, with Aunt Margaret and
cousins Anjelica and Sebastian. is the perfect cap
to a wonderful celebration:

Bonne nuit

Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Three months

Today, Talia is excited. First, her mom took the day off from work, so she got to spend lots of time with her, including a rare photo-op:

Second, she's three months old today! Here in Nevada, that's old enough to... well... ok, maybe not much. But she still got to play in her rain forest:

And finally, while doing some tummy time, she managed to flip herself over onto her back; once from each side. That was a first! She was so stoked, she even danced a jig:

Saturday, November 22, 2008


Talia loves the outdoors. So the family took advantage
of a week of record warmth to go on a couple of
picnics at Sunset Park, near where Mom and Dad

A cuddle from Mamy is always a good way
to get started.

Getting ready to chow down. Note the
lions of Talia's feet.

Mom and Dad get to cuddle a little themselves.

After eating, a leisurely stroll is in
order. And in the background... a Polynesian statue. And lots of geese and
ducks on that island in the small pond. There
was also a model speedboat racing about.


Thursday, November 20, 2008

Heigh-ho, heigh-ho

Talia recently got a chance to visit the places
where Mom and Dad work. And the folks they
work with. Turns out that this sort of touring
is exhausting, so she napped through the
photo-ops. But she'll have other chances.

Talia's Mom works with a design company
in a big, beautiful house. Don't bother
looking for Mom; she's behind
the camera.

Dad's whole office came down to
see Talia. Proud Dad got to show off his
good looking and oh-so-well-behaved

Well, Talia is a bit young to know what
she wants to do, but surely now she
knows the kind of people she wants to
work with.

Thanks to everyone.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

So longs

Cousin Natalie has left for Michigan, but not before
she and Talia shared a little more quality time.

Natalie packs up her toys while Talia looks on.

Natalie shares one last piece of advice about
thriving in the critical fourth trimester.

One last rock.

"See ya on-line, kid."

Monday, November 10, 2008

Cousin Summit

This weekend, Talia is getting together with cousin
Natalie, Aunt Nikki, Uncle Pierre (all from Michigan)
and Auntie Ann (from Virginia). What a terrific time
we've had!

Cousin Natalie and Talia get their first introduction.

Aunt Nikki and Uncle Pierre get some Talia-time.

Cousins catch-up on recent events.

All the girls in the house say "cheese".

Dave and Natalie get comfortable.

Auntie Ann and Talia get comfortable...

...very comfortable.

The cousins' first conversation.