Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Gramama Pattee and Grampapa David Arrive

Gramama Pattee and Grampapa David arrived
yesterday for a week-long visit. What excitement!

Gramama and Talia get re-acquainted.

A little advice from Grampapa. Talia is all ears.

And clearly approves.

Talia had requested a snack. And Gramama
is more than willing to comply.

Three generations.

Just the girls.

And, of course, grandparents come bearing gifts.
Here's a sweater hand-made by Gramama. Check
out the duck buttons on the bottom.

An entire matching outfit on one hanger. How chic.

And this hat is part of a tennis outfit which you're
sure to see in a future posting.

And there was more, so stay tuned. For now,
we leave you with Talia enjoying her gifts in her
own inimitable way.


Anonymous said...

Ma foi! C'est moi avec ma adorable Talia! Nous avons un visit de grand proportions!

How's that for fractured French!

Thanks for the darling pix! A bientot!

Pattee & David

Aunt Connie said...

Thanks so much for posting the pix as I was wondering how the visit was going and dying to see some photos! Looks like Mom (apparently now called Gramama)does not want Talia to leave her lap and who can blame her????